Monday, August 15, 2005

Did I mention how darn hot it was during this process??? Posted by Picasa

We were able to salvage most of the lumber, windows, & siding from the house. We are going to build a large barn on the house's slab and use the materials we were able to save. Our barn will have many windows & white siding. Had we not have bought this property we would have had a regular farm barn but now we will have a first class one! :) Posted by Picasa

This photo is taken from the left side of the hill looking back to one of the two hidden hey meadows. There is a pond that is fed by a natural spring located beside the large ceder in the distance. There is some work to be done on the pond but we have yet to decide if we will keep the natural vegetation or remove some to allow us to dig the pond deeper and wider. We would like to extend it toward the top of the hill for view purposes. We would also like to reduce the vegetation growing to make it harder for predators to hide. This pond will not only water our goats but will be home to several differnt breed of ducks. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

This debris is the tin roof off the house. We are working with the neighboring property owner to get it cleaned up. Posted by Picasa

This photo is the original farm house located on the property.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Photo taken also on the right side of the hill. The distant cluster of trees surround a natural pond that is fed by a creek and natural springs. We have started clearing the under brush and some of the smaller trees away from the pond. Posted by Picasa

Here are the larger trees to the right of the hill where our home and barn will sit. Most of these were ruined by the winds. Only 2-3 are still standing. Our property goes back to the distant tree line in the photo.  Posted by Picasa

This is a photo we snapped the first day we visited the property. This was before we purchased it and before the tornado hit in November 2004. Isn't it beautiful? Too bad we lost most of the large trees. Thankfully, the smaller ones were spared. Photo was taken on the right side of the hill looking back toward the highway. You can see our snaking drive to the right. Eventually, that entire dirve will be flanked by Bradford Pears, Oaks, Dogwoods, Crape Mertyles, Azelas, & much more. Posted by Picasa