Monday, April 03, 2006

CHICKENS ARE COMING! Our day old chicks are due to arrive April 20th. HL almost completed the chicken coop but he cannot do anything simple. The missing area under the window will be a pull out drawer located below the roost for easy clean up and collecting of excellent materials for the compost bins. Behind the nesting boxes will be a small room to hold feed and room for a setting hen. You will also be able to access the nesting boxes from this room instead of directly insdie the coop. I plan to use the old type white wash on the inside and out to help with external parasites and the growth of bacteria. There will be a large chicken yard off the front of the house that leads to the garden's edge. They will have free range during the day once they are grown. We will butcher 10 of the 25 we have coming and keep the rest for eggs & repopulating our flock. We will have several different types of white and brown layers. Leghorns being the primary breed since they are a dual purpose bird. Posted by Picasa


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